We are 2 weeks into seed starting. So what has been happening?
Some medicinal herbs have sprouted, as well as the onions!

I have been watering quite a bit, but these seem to be drying out a lot faster than the soil I used last year. I have been keeping them covered loosely with plastic wrap to mimic a greenhouse effect.

We also planted some Roma tomato seeds today. They arrived late in the mail, so we had to start them later than the rest. Still no update on the peppers, watermelon, cherry tomatoes, cilantro, or cucumbers. I had this problem last year where they were very slow to start, but the ones I started late did really well. Might have another situation like that this year. We also have several seeds that are going into pots, but research shows that I might want to directly sow those in the pots they will grow in – but need to look into it more. They are for the #patiotoplate container growing challenge, put on by Becky at Acre Homestead.
A trip to Wally World is in order soon for more soil and some containers to grow our food in. Will update on that when it happens!

How are your seedlings doing? I’d love to know!